Friday, June 22, 2012

The Graduate

Jonathan Joseph- former teacher/best friend
Congratulations Class of 2012

I'm finally finished with high school, I can't believe how bittersweet this feeling is. I'm not going to pretend I'm happy about this, I'm going to miss all  the people I have become close to over the four short years, I am very happy that I did it though.

My momma

Despite all the doubts people had about me, I'm a fucking high school graduate. I have a diploma and an ability to conquer the world if I really wanted to.
My brother will be in the high school next year and I don't think he realizes how amazing it's going to be, he'll learn who is real friends are and make loads of new ones. He'll become close to teachers and figure out who he is and what he wants to become. Sure, there will be heart break and hurt along the way but it'll all be worth it once he walks across that stage.

I feel like things are going to be better now. I finally reconnected with an old friend, I can finally have the teachers I became friends with on Facebook (Assuming they add me), and I don't have to deal with people I don't like. I can finally say that I, Lauren Jessica Iannucci, am an adult and I plan to live my life to the fullest and be happy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


"1 week and 2 days" 

For the next couple days this sentence will run through my mind until the end has come then it will be the first day of the rest of my life.

Friday, June 8, 2012


"Prom has changed you... Not even, you changed 3 weeks before prom..."

Do you remember what happened 3 weeks before prom? Do you remember my best friend betraying our friendship just because he was jealous? I guess not. 

At the beginning of May my best friend and ex prom date decided that he wanted to argue with me about every little thing regarding money for prom. He has a job and he never had any money because he was probably buying weed and alcohol for his new "best friend." I'm way too smart for his lies so all the "bills" he had to pay for didn't fool me, the bitch didn't have a job but always had weed... How the fuck do you think she was getting it? 
After I told him I didn't want to go with him to prom he got angry and decided that since I hurt him, he was gonna hurt me. He made up a relationship that I supposedly had. I'm not going to go into details.

The only person that got into trouble was him and thats because when he told me that he made the accusation he harassed me. I had the texts and showed the school administrators. After all the crying and all the meetings to deal with this problem that this CHILD caused I was emotionally drained. 

So yes, if I seem a little different since that please don't hold it against me. I don't think you realize what it's like to go through that... To see this person that you were so close to in a totally different light. I don't think you understand the magnitude of cutting someone out of your life, especially since I've known that kid for 4 years. That's 4 birthdays, 4 Christmases, 4 thanksgivings that we spent together and in one day I had to cut all of that out of my life. Now I see him in the hallway and I can't help but get angry, not because of what he did but because I never got the last word in... That's my problem, I like to have the last word in an argument, I didn't get to do that this time... I think that's why I'm so "different."

I promise, I'll be better once we graduate and that child is out of my life... For good. 

I was going to wait until I graduated to write about this but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. 

Enjoy :) 

Sunday, June 3, 2012


It was the night I had been dreaming about ever since I was 6 years old. The first night in my life where I have to get dressed up from head to toe just to pose for pictures and dance the night away. Even though I didn't get to see some people that I wanted to see I had an amazing time with my friends.

For my after prom a group of us went to Seaside Heights, NJ. It was good times and bad. The good times were all the times where I hung out with the people who actually cared about me, not the people who decided to stay in their rooms the whole time and be antisocial. The bad times didn't happen until the last night when we went to the boardwalk. Long story short, I finally saw peoples true colors... They were fucking hideous.