Friday, November 16, 2012

Fuck My Ex's

I never completely understood how closed in I was in relationships until now:

My first boyfriend kept me a secret, he never wanted to tell people that we were together and hated the fact that I told my friends. He mostly did this because he had, like, three other girlfriends which I didn't find out about until a couple years after we broke up.

My second boyfriend always fought with me... We were complete opposites so I don't see why I didn't see this coming. He made me more defensive about everything.

My last boyfriend, the one that made me happiest, never wanted me to meet his parents. Literally every time his parents were in the area, I became something other than his girlfriend. I became a "friend", an "acquaintance", and sometimes "just a girl". It was torture for me then but now it sucks a lot more. I hide from parents now. I have convinced myself that they won't like me and I avoid it for however long I can.
He also made me believe in "love" a little too much. So now, I put way too much faith in to things that will never work out... Ever. 

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