Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dear M, Love L

"No, please, you can't leave me again!"

I had a dream that you came back. You were living with me for some reason and I was happy. Then some spanish version of Angelina Jolie came and was forcing you to go back to Mexico. All I remember is chasing after you wanting you to stay and then watching you look back at me as your car pulled away.

For a while I thought it was all real, and then I woke up. I've been thinking about that dream all day and I figured out that I'm afraid. I miss you all the time. Not as my boyfriend but as my best friend. The person I could joke around with for hours.

I'm afraid of people leaving. Yeah, I know, no one likes goodbyes but it bothers me how afraid of them I've become. Maybe it's the fact that you left without saying goodbye, you just packed up and left and now I don't know if you really will come back or not.

You should've said goodbye, that wasn't fair.
I'll be 18 in a week. If I could have one wish it would be to see my best friend one more time. That's the only birthday present I want. 

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