Friday, August 24, 2012

The Silent Girl

"I won't talk until I see a change... I'm not going to talk just to please you" 

He hurt her. She didn't like his drinking and she confronted him. 
A week went by and he hadn't had a drink since she confronted him and she was still hurting. 

No one seemed to understand that she was deeply hurt, they just kept telling her to talk to him and "get back to normal." At first she considered it but then she thought 'Why the fuck should I? He hurt me and I haven't gotten an apology or even a hint of one. Fuck it, I'll go five years without speaking to him if I need to.' 

"He's your father and it's killing him when you don't speak to him..." What they didn't understand is that every time he got a drink... He killed her. She had been killed 10 times over until she decided that enough was enough and she took matters into her own hands. She simply decided to be happy. No one stood up or fought for her... Why should she please them? 

She fights wars by herself now. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Sanctuary

 My heart is a forest... 

That's not normally what people say. Usually people say that their hearts are protected by walls that only one person can get through. This is not the case with me. My heart is a forest., it's open and exposed all the time but there are millions upon millions little obstacles that people can come across.

There are only two guys in my life that have gotten into the sanctuary in my little forest. They're still in there which is a little problem for me because they shouldn't be there... They take up all this room and there is no room for anyone else in the sanctuary. What is going to happen when I find the guy that is supposed to completely control the sanctuary? Will the other two other throw him? Or bow down?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

6 months

They say that a crush only lasts 4 months and if it goes beyond that then you're already in love. I kinda don't know how I feel about this sudden realization that I have had the same guy on my mind for about 6 months. I keep hoping to see him but obviously since I went on vacation I wasn't around. I found out today when I finally got home that he had also finally come home from his vacation.

I know I'll see him before the summers over... I need to prepare.


As we grow up, we learn that the one person who isn’t supposed to let you down, probably will, and the one person that you never thought would be there for you, is. You’re going to have fights with your friends, you’re going to lose some of your friends, you may even fall in love with one of your friends.You will eventually lose someone you love, and love someone you never thought you’d find. People are going to hate you, love you, love to hate you, and hate to love you. But the ones who mean the most to you will always be there.

Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.

When it comes to relationships, maybe we’re all in glass houses, and shouldn’t throw stones. Because you can never really know. Some people are settling down, some are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than Butterflies…

"Among the butterflies, I felt butterflies."

"Soul mate. Two little words, one big concept"

I am someone who is looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love.

That crazy concept that we’re not really responsible for the course our lives take. That it’s all predestined, written in the stars. Maybe that explains why, if you live in a city, where you can’t even see the stars, your love life tends to feel a little more random. And even if our every man, every kiss, every heartache, is pre-ordered from some cosmic catalogue, can we still take a wrong step and wander off our own personal milky way? I couldn’t help but wonder, can you make a mistake and miss your fate?

"Some love stories aren’t epic novels. Some are short stories. But that doesn’t make them any less filled with love."

"The truth is, it’s not just the men, anyone that’s single [in Manhattan] get’s a little freaked out from time to time. But we keep trying, because you have to figure, if the worlds fattest twins can find love, somewhere out there is another little freak that will love us, understand us and kiss our three heads to make it all better."

-Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City