Friday, March 15, 2013


I was always this huge non-believer when it came to matters of the heart.

Relationships were a waste because everyone just packs up and leaves you, no one can ever love another person really. 
I could never be a wife because I like being on my own way too much. 
I never wanted kids because I was convinced that they would ruin my life. 

These, amongst others, were my beliefs about my life... About my love life. I wanted to be alone, I had been prepared to be alone for the rest of my life. I didn't plan on a marriage or children.

As I continue in this relationship the idea of all these things become more... Welcoming? Yeah, welcoming.
Marriage seems like something that I want, because maybe there are those few people that will stay in my life.
Kids are a tricky subject though. Not sure if I want those. 90% of me is still convinced that they'll ruin my life and that they'll have more problems than I do. Is that really so bad though?

The future is a million miles away, but I can't help but wonder about it all the time.

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