Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I know, I'm a day late but Halloween was hectic.
For starters, I had a blackout since the 29th so I only JUST got power back on Halloween, then I was all over the place trying to:
Mariana and her boyfriend the zombies

Estephania as Snooki and Jonathan as...himself?
             a) figure out plans (if any)
             b)enjoy myself

There was a shit load to do... kinda.

I was Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes for Halloween (Don't really have pictures yet, my friend has to send them to me still)

All these pictures here are just some of the people I know that dressed up.
Obviously there were more but it's late, so there's not much of an effort here.


The picture of Mariana was stolen from her blog:

The picture of Jonathan and Estephania was stolen from... Facebook.

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