Tuesday, October 16, 2012


"We're over"

I never thought I would be the one to say it. Ever. 

We weren't even dating this time, just staying involved. 

You can't just come in and out of my life whenever you feel like it, it's not fair to me.  You know that I have issues with abandonment, you know how hard it is for me and you still do it.  You think that I'm just gonna wait around for you? You think I'm just your little doll that you can drag around and then leave wherever you want? I'm not. 

I can't keep you and you can't keep me.  As much as I wish that weren't true, it can't happen.  I'm moving on with my life. I'm happy. I made some new friends, have a possible new relationship, have an entirely new outlook on my life... You're something from my old life. The life I used to live, the life that I don't want to go back to. I can't bring a new guy into my life if the old one is still here, it's not fair and not good for my feelings. 

I'm better than this. I deserve better than this. I'm done with you. 

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