Let's face it, you just got feelings for the one person that you promised you wouldn't feel anything for.
He knows almost everything that you hide from most people, but I trust him.
This could ruin your friendship, but I can see it working for a really long time.
What if you fuck it all up?
What if you disappear on him like you do with everyone else?
What if he leaves you just like... everyone else?
I'm not afraid.
What happened to not being ready for anything? What happened to wanting to stay single for a long time?
What happened to waiting?
Why wait? I'm way too young to stop my life just because my "big love" already happened and left me. I'm not even sure that "M" was my "big love". Maybe he was just someone that I had to love in order to figure out what love really is when I do find it. Maybe I was never in love before, I was just in love with the idea of it. I'm not saying this is love, I'm just saying... I feel different. He makes me happy and he makes me feel different. He's willing to wait for me and even when I feel like he's gonna be done with me, there he is... Waiting. I've never had that before and I may never find that. So here goes nothing, I just caught major feelings for my best friend and I told him. I hope this doesn't back fire.
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