Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Future

She never thinks about her future, it's million miles away
Him: You should look at Baruch
Me: Isn't that where you're going?
Him: You should look into going there

I think about the future all the time, its something that I truly worry about sometimes.
Where will I be in 5 years?

Ever play the '5 years' game? Its really scary when you do. The object of the game is to think about where all your friends will be in 5 years and then try and think about where you would be.

Me? I hope that I'm doing something with photography in 5 years. Its something that I'm passionate about. Showing people how I see things, making something beautiful just with a click of a button.

I have to take it slow though, I gotta look at colleges. Baruch seems like a really good place to go, plus, if I get in I'll have someone I know there with me. I have a million other places to look at.

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