Sunday, January 8, 2012


Today I began to watch Skins UK version all over again. Thanks to my best friend, Mariana, I fell in love with this show right away. I found this picture this morning and it got me thinking, the quote is true. There is a little bit of every character in me. 

First Generation:
Tony- loved by many and often gets his own way
Michelle- Whore. Flirty.
Sid- in love with Michelle and doesn't notice Cassie's affections for him
Cassie- flee when things get tough
Chris-  teenage party animal
Jal- conservative
Anwar-  criticised because of his selective approach to his faith
Sketch- obsessive

Second Generation:
Effy- Enigmatic and elusive, attractive to all around her, utterly in control of herself and totally independent
Pandora-  naive and immature
Cook- Impulsive and eccentric, loves to have a good time and is constantly the life and soul of any party
Freddy- No comment
JJ-  huge imagination, child like
Emily- quiet and introverted personality
Katie- dominant, dynamic
Naomi- passionate, political, and principled individualist

Third Generation:
Franky-  smart, creative
Alo- party lifestyle and low grades
Rich-  very stubborn and unwilling to compromise
Mini- confident, bitchy personality acts as a security mechanism to hide her obsession over her weight
Liv- more impulsive
Grace- causes tension amongst the group
Nick- shuns his arrogant friends in favour of a lifestyle filled with partying
Matty- mysterious

I love this show ten times more now because I can kind of relate to all these characters. It's amazing what being a loser on the internet can teach you. 

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