For a long time you thought you were friend-zoned by me. I get that, I expressed feelings toward someone else and I didn't think of you like I do now.
To be completely honest, I always had feelings for you... I'm just so out of touch with my emotions that I didn't
really realize it until now.
When I was talking about that guy and I said "Maybe he's jealous of you and I"? It's not that I actually thought he was jealous, I just wanted him to be. I wanted him to think we were something more than we were because deep down I wanted to be something more than what we were.
When we went out for your birthday dinner, you're not the only one who felt like it was a date... Just saying, the thought crossed my mind a couple times that night also.
Every time you had a girl that you were talking to, I kind of wished that I was her.
When you yelled at me for missing your set during the event at the school, I cried for hours after I got home. Not because you yelled at me, I can take that. I cried because I thought that you were gonna leave. I figured that it was the end and I would never speak to you again, and the thought of that hurt me the most. A life without you was something I didn't want, whether you were a boyfriend or just my best friend.
When I ordered shrimp and then made that comment about you kissing me... Yes, that was me being a jerk but after I said that, all I could think about was how much I wanted you to kiss me.
When everyone began calling you my "boo", I couldn't stop smiling at the thought even though I kept saying
When I told you my deepest secrets, it was because I knew you liked me and I liked you... So I was trying to scare you away. You stayed.
On the last night, I went on the horrible not-date date thing... When I pulled you over to my chair during pool, I wanted to kiss you so bad. It was at dinner after that when I realized that all I wanted to do was be with you.
Finally... When we finally got together, I wanted to scream it to the world. I just didn't want to ruin it.